As an agency we specialise in the recruitment of Interior Crew for Yachts worldwide, from Chefs to Stewards/Stewardesses and anything else interior-related in between.
Many of our specialist Consultants have worked in similar professional capacities on yachts, so they understand the demands of the job and what working within the industry entails.
Here are a few questions we recommend you think about when applying or interviewing for your next position on board a private yacht.
• Research the different types of yachts you could work on – would prefer Private or Charter?
• Be sure you understand what the differences are?
• What work is involved?
• What duties would you need to be really great at, and what could you learn on the job?
• Is the pay different on Private and Charter?
• What size boat do you want to work on?
• What qualifications/additional qualifications will you need? (don’t forget to read our article on STCW refresher courses that we posted on 5th October!)
• What size crew team would you prefer?
• Decide where you are happy to travel on the yacht?
• Do you just want to stay in Europe, in the Mediterranean or perhaps you wish to go further and discover the Caribbean?
• What (if any) VISAs will you need?
You must show to the owner or the Captain that you can work and socialise really well. This is very important to get this across at interview stage, you must make your presence felt at the interview, answering questions to the interviewer as clearly and succinctly as you can. Be sure to have your own questions ready – write them down if you need to!
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