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How To Break The Nanny Code
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How to break the Nanny code

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

If you’re a mum or dad who employs a Nanny or even a newly charged Nanny yourself, you might have found yourself having a look through a few Nanny social media groups on Facebook and the like.

If you have, then it would be ok if you thought that to be a Nanny requires learning a new language or certainly seems to appear that way.

Well the good news is that there isn’t another language to learn, but like all social media chats there are lots of abbreviations that you probably can’t make heads or tails of without being ‘in the know’.

So, here is a comprehensive list to help you make sense of the secret life of your Nanny and don’t forget to save a copy for when you need to check next time.

Here are some of the most common:

  • MB -  Mum Boss

  • DB -  Dad Boss

  • NK -  Nanny Kid

  • G4 -  Girl, 4 years old

  • B6mos - Boy, 6 months old

  • LO -  Little One

  • Charge - Child in your care

  • NF -  Nanny Family

  • SAHM -  Stay at Home Mum

  • SAHD -  Stay at Home Dad

  • WAHM -  Work at Home Mum

  • WAHD -  Work at Home Dad

  • PT/FT -  Part Time/Full Time

  • L/i -  Live in

  • L/o -  Live out

  • PTO -  Paid Time Off

  • GH -  Guaranteed Hours

  • NNRW -  National Nanny Recognition Week (23-29 Sept 2018)

  • NNR -  Not Nanny Related

  • OT -  Off Topic

  • WWYD -  What Would You Do?

  • TIA -  Thanks in Advance

  • OP -  Original Poster

  • PM/DM -  Private Message/Direct Message

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