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How To Survive The School Holidays Stress Free
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How to survive the school holidays stress free

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​So, it’s not long before the schools close for the summer holidays and as parents or Nannies we have several weeks to entertain them while still trying to maintain some kind of routine.
It can certainly be a testing time for even the most organised of us and it’s easy for things to go wrong and before you know it the chaos can set in.
It can be hard to think of things to do every day, especially if you stay at home during the holidays. But it’s important to remember that the holidays should be a time where you get to spend lots more time together as a family and with friends and can easily be an enjoyable time with a little preparation beforehand and by following our handy hints:

  • Get the kids involved - kids are more likely to join in if they feel it is under their control so ask them to help with the planning stages

  • Don’t plan trips out every day - aside from the cost it is possible to do too much, you can over stimulate children and it can actually become stressful for both you and the kids

  • Maintain some routine - kids normally thrive on routine and in the holidays, this is no different. Although variety is good, try to maintain a routine for part of the day such as having quiet time after lunch where everyone settles down with a book or a favourite TV show

  • Remember quiet play time - kids need quiet time during the day but this could be simply a period of time when they play alone. It’s okay for kids to spend some time entertaining themselves and feeling bored is a great opportunity for exploring their own imaginations

  • Keep them fed - any parent knows that hungry children are not happy children so plan in set meal times and this can even be an activity where they help prepare the food

  • Use the internet- if you do find yourself at a loose end or the weather has put an end to your plans, the internet is filled with activities to entertain them. Baking, crafts, role play, and treasure hunts are all great ideas

  • Maintain discipline - it is easy to let things go during the holidays especially if it means keeping the peace. Plan a reward system to keep children focused on good behaviour

  • Try and get fresh air everyday - fresh air is great for kids and helps wear them out!

  • Plan lots of play dates - at first the thought of arranging lots of playdates can seem like a real hassle but the benefits often outweigh the negatives as they keep the kids entertained for hours

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