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Seventh day of Christmas - Diana Cheal's Devil's Horseback recipe

  • Publish Date: Posted about 9 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​Here is the 6th recipe!
On the seventh day of Christmas Diana Cheal gave to us:

Devils on horseback/Pigs in blankets/Sausages in honey and mustard


These are really quick ideas for canapes or pre-lunch snacks, or more traditionally the pigs in blankets are served alongside the roast turkey on Christmas Day. For the pigs in blankets and the sausages in honey and mustard, you will need to buy cocktail sausages. If you can’t get hold of cocktail sausages then use chipolatas and then split them into cocktail sausages. Devils on horseback are made using dates and bacon instead, and are delicious as well.

Devils on horseback:
Pre-heat oven to 200 oC.
Wrap each date with some streaky bacon (I tend to use half a rasher of streaky bacon per date).
Place the dates wrapped in bacon onto a baking tray, and cook for about 10-20 minutes, depending on how you like your bacon cooked. Make sure you turn halfway to ensure an even cooking.
Leave to cool slightly before serving.
Pigs in Blankets:
Pre-heat oven to 200 oC.
Wrap each cocktail sausage with some streaky bacon (I tend to use half a rasher of streaky bacon per date).
Place the sausages wrapped in bacon onto a baking tray, and cook for about 20-30 minute. You will need to turn the sausages during the cooking, and you may need to drain the fat if there is too much in the tray.
Leave to cool slightly before serving.
Sausages in honey and mustard:
Pre-heat oven to 200 oC.
Place the sausages on a baking tray and cook until half done.
Meanwhile mix honey and wholegrain mustard together. This will totally depend on the taste – you may require a sweeter flavour or some might like a kick to their sausages!
Halfway through the process, pour over the honey and mustard mix and cook until the sausages are cooked through, and are well coated. They normally take about 40 minutes.

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