What a 25th anniversary year it has been!This was our 25th anniversary year and, like everyone, we went into 2021 hoping for the best but braced for the unexpected. We had reason to be positive: despite the challenges of 2020, we had invested and seen growth in the most challenging year ever. We are pleased to report that 2021 certainly delivered and we owe it to you – our ...
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2021 For Greycoat Lumleys
about 3 years ago -
A huge thank you to all our clients and candidates
about 4 years agoA reflective Christmas, a bright 2021 and a huge thank you to all our clients and candidatesIt would be something of an understatement to say that 2020 was a challenging year for everyone. But amidst the uncertainty we managed to achieve a number of things to be proud of this year – perhaps even more so because of the challenges.We couldn’t be prouder of our teams who worke...
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25th Anniversary Edition Of Our Salary Survey
about 4 years agoWelcome to our 2021 Salary SurveyTwenty-five years is a huge milestone for any business – or relationship. The challenges of the past year make this, the 25th anniversary edition of our salary survey that much more significant and something we are suitably proud of.Like any business - but perhaps more so given the nature of what we do and the unique way we do it - relations...
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Coronavirus (COVID-19)
almost 5 years agoSUPPORTING OUR CLIENTS & CANDIDATES THROUGH THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS IN THESE EXCEPTIONAL TIMESWe hope that everyone is keeping safe and well, and adjusting to the challenging new way of life we now find ourselves in.We wanted to assure our clients and candidates that we remain open for business, with appropriate adjustments to our working practices, to ensure that we’re abl...
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How to successfully interview over Video calls.
almost 5 years agoRecruiting for household staff now more than ever involves asking candidates to take part in a video interview, often for the initial stage.The benefits are clear: it saves a great deal of time for both employer and candidate, it’s convenient and it saves unnecessary costs such as travel expenses, especially if the candidate or employer lives abroad. However, feeling comfor...
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Why Domestic Couples continue to be in demand
almost 5 years agoWhen looking to hire staff to help run a household, there are often varying circumstances and needs. A wide range of duties will often require a combination of staff, such as housekeeper, butler, gardener, cook or nanny to ensure the household runs smoothly and efficiently.However, rather than employing and managing multiple staff, who may not so work well as a team, many p...
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Our latest Recruitment Open Days in the UK and France
about 5 years agoWe have a number of Open Days planned this month, aimed at a variety of candidates and covering a wide range of roles in Corporate Catering & Hospitality, Ski & Yacht, Childcare and Private Households.Take a look at what's happening, and do register with us to find out more about opportunities in your area of expertise!CITY OF LONDON OPEN DAYS: 18th & 26th FEBRUARY - FOR C...
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How to cope with the demands of a new Private Household job
about 5 years agoSo you finally get the ideal job and everything is in place. But as we all know (because we have all been there!) starting any new job is a mix of emotions, including excitement, anxiety, expectation and usually an abundance of nervous energy. Any new role in an unfamiliar environment will present a number of challenges, but here are some words of advice from Greycoat Lumle...
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Where to find Christmas magic in the UK this year
about 5 years agoThe holidays are coming, and it’s that time of year when we start to really think about Christmas and all that we need to get done.It can be very easy to lose ourselves in all the planning, having to think about menus, presents and all the other millions of things to organise over Christmas - so much so that there’s a risk we can forget to have fun too!So, read our guide on...
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Why you should treat yourself to a Private Chef this Christmas
over 5 years agoChristmas requires a lot of planning, usually starting weeks in advance, and every year it can feel like a bigger and bigger undertaking.We are all ‘time poor’ nowadays, and for even for the most experienced and confident of cooks, the thought of the having to plan, shop for, prepare, cook, serve and clear away a delicious Christmas feast that Nigella or Heston would be ...
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