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Let’s Get Organised For Christmas
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Let’s get organised for Christmas

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 7 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​It’s the same every year, you think you have plenty of time to get organised, but before you know it, it’s Christmas Eve and the cards you have managed to write are still sat undelivered on the kitchen table and you’ve forgotten to buy the Christmas crackers again.

Yes, some of us love the whole process of preparing for Christmas but for many it can be simply overwhelming, tiring and totally stressful.

So if you, like us, want this Christmas to run stress-free we need to get organised. The great news is we have some great tips to get us all ready:

  • Break it all down - if we consider all we have to do at once then it becomes an unmanageable and giant task. By breaking it down into more manageable tasks we can stop feeling overwhelmed. Don’t underestimate the power of the list.

  • Don’t do it alone - Christmas is not your responsibility alone, get the whole family involved.

  • Cook in advance - your Christmas festivities can be enjoyed far more if you have got ahead with the cooking. Prepare and freeze ahead and then defrost in the fridge overnight on Christmas Eve

- Vegetables can be prepared ahead and frozen for up to one month. Potatoes, carrots, parsnips and Brussels sprouts all lend themselves to being par-boiled and frozen when cooled

- Christmas pudding is better the longer it has to mature and just needs to be kept in a dark place. You could buy one of course

- Mince pies and Christmas biscuits can be made ahead and frozen. A great tip is to make one large batch and take out however many you need and bake from frozen

- Sauces such as bread and cranberry are easily frozen ahead of time

  • Plan your shopping - shop online, it makes life so much easier. Try to do your shopping in clusters so that they will be delivered on the same day. If you do want to go to the shops, go early. Don’t forget your food shopping either. Write your menus early and if shopping online, get your delivery spot booked early.

  • Write a Christmas card list - it’s a real pain but it will stop you forgetting someone important. Consider doing it on a computer and include addresses, you can then print labels every year.

  • Declutter - get the kids to have a clear out of all their old toys, Use the incentive of lots of new ones at Christmas to spur them along. It’s also a good opportunity to check through any glass and dinner sets for any broken or missing pieces.

  • Plan ahead for guests - if you do have guests staying over Christmas check any items you might need. Bedding, towels etc. Plus clear the junk out of the spare room.

  • Don’t forget the small things - spend time thinking about all the little things you might forget - camera batteries, batteries for toys, cork screw etc. Buy any decorations and gift wrap early. Sort any CDs you might want for entertaining.

  • Plan your diary dates - get organised as early as you can with all the diary dates you will have over the festivities. School activities, work dos and parties. Book in baby sitters early and any hairdresser and beautician appointments before they get booked up. If you are going away think about any hotel bookings and any pet care you might need.

  • Most importantly - relax and enjoy yourself.

Do you want to get out of the kitchen this Christmas? Hire a chef for your Christmas Dinner.

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